Transform Reading is a diverse network of people from across churches and organisations in and around Reading. We are a movement who understand that unity and prayer are crucial in helping us to be good news to everyone, and through working together we can help bring social transformation and hope that Jesus brings into the lives of everyone. We choose to focus on what unites rather than what divides for the sake of our town, and are united in our love for God and our love for our communities. We are unashamedly Christian and hold to the Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith.
Weekly leaders prayer and partnerships across the movement help us respond to a wide variety of community needs. Joining together helps improve communication, awareness and resource capabilities in order to be better placed to be strategic in prayer and service action.
We exist to be
- A prayer movement that regularly prays for all aspects of community life and partners with initiatives such as 10 Days of Prayer and Burn 24/7
- A network of partners that communicate openly and tries to connect, affirm and empower people to represent God well in all walks of life to help bring hope and transformation
- A catalyst to help mobilise people to be involved in loving and serving the town
- A voice that together with others, helps represent Christian community in Reading and the surrounding areas.