
For the last 27 years we have met once a week as leaders of churches and organisations for prayer, communication, and relationship building. This cultivates a strong sense of unity and trust as we support one another in our roles and purposes.


We nurture partnerships across specialist charities and organisations as we work together for the good of communities and people who live in and around Reading. We have piloted specialist organisations and supported and endorsed others as they serve our town. Churches and organisations we work with and relate to partner with statutory agencies and authorities in order to help offer joined up care and support.

We also link with national organisations such as Gather Movement who help us learn from other places in the UK and elsewhere. We also link with other organisations who help us grow in effectiveness.


We support pastors and leaders of churches and Christian organisations and charities. Relationships are important but not exclusive as we get to know and love one another. Have a look at the link here to read how even trees in creation support one another in forests via underground root networks.


Cross church gatherings are held two or three times each year for worship, prayer and encouragement sharing the stories of what God is doing.


A big part of what Transform Reading does is to work with and establish connections with different churches, groups and organisations – as well as unitary authorities. These connections are maintained as much as possible and together we work out the best ways of moving forward in order to enable transformation.


Uplift is defined as, “Improvement of a persons moral or spiritual condition, a morally and spiritually uplifting influence through love, to help people have a better life.” Also, “to boost, raise, elevate, inspire, lift, revive, gladden, restore.”

Such great descriptions for the kind of transformation we know is possible as we welcome and demonstrate more of God’s amazing kingdom through being good news among our places.